
Ready to find your new best friend? You’ve come to the right place! Browse our adoptable dogs and cats below. While many pets are on-site at our facility, some pets are located off-site in foster homes or at our adoption partners. First, please click on the specific pet you are interested in to find their location and follow the instructions below.

If the pet you are interested in meeting is at…

Our Grand Junction Facility

Please visit us during our business hours, Tuesday-Sunday from 12-4pm, or call us at 970-434-7337 to schedule an appointment. Please bring a dog leash or cat carrier to meet the pet so you can safely take them home if it’s a match!

Foster Care

Please click here to complete an interest form and request a meeting with the pet’s foster family. You will be contacted within 48 hours. Foster families meet with applicants in the order they are submitted. Please bring a dog leash or cat carrier to meet the pet so you can safely take them home if it’s a match! to request a meeting with the foster family. You will be contacted within 48 hours. Foster families meet with applicants in the order they are submitted. Please bring a dog leash or cat carrier to meet the pet so you can safely take them home if it’s a match!

An Off-Site Adoption Partner

Please visit the location listed on the pet’s profile. Our off-site adoption partner is J&M Aquatics and Pet Center, located at 2851 1/2 North Ave in Grand Junction.

Our Delta Satellite Facility

Our Delta satellite facility is a holding space for lost and impounded pets in Delta, not an adoption center. Therefore, most pets at our Delta facility are not yet adoptable. When they become available, they will move to our Grand Junction facility, foster care, or an off-site adoption partner.

Featured Pets!

Meet Bolt

All about Bolt

Bolt is a 1 year, 1 month old female Medium Mixed Breed and has been with us for 6 days.

Meet Bolt, a gentle one-year-old pup with a sweet, shy soul! She's still building her confidence, and while she loves gentle pets, she's a bit cautious as she learns to trust. Bolt seems to enjoy the company of other dogs, which can help her feel more comfortable. She's looking for a quiet, patient home that will give her the time and space she needs to settle in and blossom. If you have a calm, understanding household, Bolt could be the perfect companion, ready to grow and bond at her own pace!

Note that many dogs do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the dog's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)
Bolt 1
Bolt 2
Bolt 3
Additional Information

Location: Dog Kennels / D2

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Don’t see a match? View adoptable pets within our community who are waiting to enter our shelter.

Our Adoption Fees

Our adoption fees range from $85 to $300. Our adoption fees help to offset the cost of evaluation, housing, feeding and medical care for the many animals that need our help.

What Your Adoption Includes

Along with your new best friend, your adoption package includes:

  • All Age-Appropriate Vaccinations – A $250 Value

  • A Spay/Neuter Surgery Appointment* – A $300 Value

  • Microchipping – A $75 Value

  • Deworming – A $100 Value

  • Free Health Exam from one of our partnering veterinarians – A $50 Value

  • 30 days of free behavior counseling at Roice-Hurst – A $100 value

    Total package value = $875!

*Due to a state-wide veterinary access shortage, Roice-Hurst Humane Society is currently operating under a PACFA exemption allowing unaltered pets to be adopted by their new families while waiting for their spay/neuter appointment. For pets adopted unaltered, Roice-Hurst Humane Society pays for one mandatory spay/neuter appointment for the pet. If this appointment is missed without notice, the adopter is responsible for the cost of the new surgery appointment. This policy exists because in most cases, Roice-Hurst still incurs the cost of surgery whether or not the pet makes it to the appointment. If you have questions about this policy, please call 970-434-7337 ext. 102. 

Dog Adoption Fees
  • Puppies (under 6 months old) – $300

  • Adult Dogs (between 6 months old and 7 years old) – $200

  • Senior Dogs (8 years and older) – $125

A Mesa County Dog License must also be purchased with a dog adoption if the adopter resides within Mesa County. The fee for a 1-year license is $10 and the fee for a 3-year license is $25. The license you purchase is dependent upon whether the dog has a 1- or 3-year rabies vaccination.

Cat Adoption Fees
  • Kittens (under 6 months old) – $150*

  • Adult Cats (ages 6 months to 9 years old) – $100

  • Senior Cats (age 10 years and older) – $85

    *Adopt a pair of kittens together and one of their adoption fees is 50% off! Having a buddy greatly supports a kitten’s positive social and emotional development and reduces inappropriate play behaviors directed at humans.