Pet Pantry
When hard times hit and pet food and supplies stretch past the budget this month, Roice-Hurst Humane Society’s Pet Pantry helps keep your pet fed and cared for. Roice-Hurst strives to remove barriers to pet ownership whenever possible, including temporary financial challenges, because pets are a vital part of overall wellness. Pet Pantry supplies are generously provided by Roice-Hurst’s in-kind donors and the Colorado Pet Pantry. If you need assistance from our Pet Pantry, please submit the form below. You can expect to be contacted within 48 hours Monday-Friday. Questions? Please contact our Animal Resource Center Coordinator at 970-434-7337 ext. 103 or
Our Pet Pantry is a free resource for families in financial need. Please reserve this resource for those who are not currently in a financial position to purchase their own pet food and supplies.
Due to limited supplies, Pet Pantry use is limited to 6 times per year per family (about once every other month). This program is intended to supplement, not sustain, feeding or care. We request that you do not obtain new pets while utilizing the Pet Pantry.
Pet Pantry supplies are intended only for owned pets, not community cat colonies.
Supplies are available first-come, first-served, and we cannot guarantee the availability of specific brands, types, or amounts of food.