Found a Pet

Thank you for helping a found pet! Depending on the species of the pet and where they were lost or found, use the drop-down menus below to learn what your next step should be.

I Found a DOG in MESA County

Because we are not a local law enforcement agency, we are unable to accept found dogs into our facility. Mesa County Animal Services is the primary service provider for stray pets in Mesa County. If you have found a stray dog anywhere in Mesa County, please call Mesa County non-emergency dispatch at 970-242-6707.

Scroll down to see other steps you can take to help locate this pet’s family.

I Found a DOG in DELTA County

If you have found a dog within the City of Delta or Delta County, please call dispatch at 970-874-2015 and bring the dog to our Delta Satellite Facility during our open hours, which are 12-3pm daily. Visit our Delta page to learn more.

Scroll down to see other steps you can take to help locate this pet’s family.

I Found an ADULT CAT in MESA or DELTA County

Because adult cats are legally allowed to freely roam outdoors in Mesa and Delta Counties, we are unable to accept most found, healthy adult cats.

However, we are happy to scan a found cat for a microchip for you in an attempt to locate the owner if you bring the cat to one of our facilities during our open hours.

If you found the cat in Mesa County, we recommend reporting the cat as found on Mesa County Animal Services’ website. If you found the cat in Delta County, please call our Delta Satellite Facility at 970-874-1078 to make a found report.

Scroll down to see other steps you can take to help locate this pet’s family.

If you found a feral community cat, please see our Spay/Neuter Assistance page to learn how we can help you Trap/Neuter/Return the cat to prevent unwanted litters of kittens. If the cat has the tip of one ear cut off, this cat has already been spayed/neutered through a TNR program and is likely part of a managed colony.

I Found a KITTEN

If you’ve found a kitten (or litter of kittens) outside, the next step depends on the kitten’s condition, age, and situation.

Please watch this video by Kitten Lady to learn what to do in different situations.

If you determine that the kitten should enter a shelter or foster care, please give us a call at 970-434-7337 (Grand Junction) or 970-874-1078 (Delta).

If you are able to become a Roice-Hurst foster family and foster the kitten yourself until they are adopted, please fill out a foster application. We provide vet care, supplies, and training, while you provide a loving temporary home!

Tips to Locate a Found Pet’s Family
Make a Found Pet Report

The first place a lost pet’s family will search is the animal shelter. If you found the pet in Mesa County, contact Mesa County Animal Services. If you found the pet in Delta County, contact our Delta Satellite Facility.

You can also make a community found pet report at the bottom of this page.

Check for ID
Check the pet for a collar with the owner’s contact information.
Scan For Microchip
Take the pet to any veterinary office or animal shelter to be scanned for a microchip. If the pet is microchipped, their family will be notified.
Post and Search in Online Groups

Make a post about the pet in online groups, and search for posts by people who are missing a pet.

Lost & Found Pets Facebook Groups:

Mesa County Lost and Found Pets

Lost And Found Pets of Mesa County & Western Colorado

Delta County Lost and Found Pets

Delta, Montrose, and Surrounding Counties Lost and Found Pets

Petco Love Lost is a fantastic tool that uses pet facial recognition to reunite pets with their families, allowing you to enter a photo of the found pet and search a national lost and found pet database for a match.

Nextdoor is an app that connects neighborhoods and is a great place to post and search for your pet.

Look For Flyers & Post Your Own
Drive around the area on the lookout for flyers that may have been posted by the pet’s family.

You can post your own flyers that include a photo of the pet, your phone number, and the area where the pet was found.

Request Proof of Ownership
If someone comes forward claiming to be the pet’s owner, request proof of ownership, including a photo they have taken of the pet, vet records, and/or proof of adoption along with photo ID that matches the name of the pet’s owner.

Lost Pets Reported by the Community

Lost Pets Reported by the Community

Below is a list of the pets that have been reported lost in western Colorado. If you have seen these pets, please contact the owner directly. This courtesy list is for community use only and is not regularly monitored by shelter staff, so please reach out to local shelters directly if you have lost or found a pet.


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Post a LOST Pet

Lost Pets

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Post a FOUND Pet

Found Pets

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Date the Pet was found
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.