Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer at Roice-Hurst Humane Society! We simply could not make the impact that we do without the work of our outstanding volunteers. As a Roice-Hurst volunteer, you can choose how and when you give your time to our organization — including walking dogs, socializing cats, cleaning, yard work, building maintenance, administrative work, transporting pets in the car, adoption events, assisting with spay/neuter surgery days, and even at-home tasks!

Becoming a Volunteer
Step 1
Complete the application at the bottom of this page. Due to high interest in our volunteer program, we ask for your patience in processing new applicants.
Step 2
After your application is reviewed, you will receive an email with links to our online volunteer training videos that we ask you to watch prior to scheduling an in-person tour.
Step 3
Next, our Volunteer Coordinator will invite you to the shelter for an in-person tour, where you can familiarize yourself with our facility and get started volunteering!
Step 4
Feel free to come into the shelter at your convenience between 8am-5pm any day to assist with whichever tasks you choose! You will also be added to our volunteer email list to be notified when special projects or help is needed.

Benefits of Volunteering
Be part of the solution. You’ll join a network of people working to help save the lives of our community’s homeless dogs and cats.
Get warm fuzzies. You’ll never find a more grateful and accepting friend than an animal you’ve comforted and helped to find a loving home.
Keep good company. You’ll make lots of new friends — and not just the four-legged kind! You’ll work side-by-side with people who share similar interests can forge lifelong friendships.
Meet the new you. You’ll discover skills you never knew you had, and you may be surprised at what you’re capable of achieving.
Gain a new career. You’ll learn things that may lead you to the career — or career change — of your dreams. Employers and college admissions officers look favorably on time spent in volunteer service.
Learn veterinary skills! We are always in need of volunteers with medical experience (with humans or animals) and volunteers specifically looking to gain experience in the veterinary field.
Junior Volunteer Program
Animal lovers between the ages of 12 to 15 years old are eligible to join our Junior Volunteer Program. Junior volunteers must be joined by an adult chaperone, such as a parent/guardian, grandparent, family friend, or other trusted adult. The chaperone must go through training alongside the junior volunteer and accompany the junior volunteer while volunteering. To sign up, both the junior volunteer and chaperone can submit a Volunteer Application below.
Volunteers aged 16 and 17 may volunteer without a chaperone, so long as they have a parent/guardian’s permission.
If your child under the age of 12 would like to make a difference in the life of a shelter pet before are old enough to volunteer, consider opening your home to a temporary foster pet, donating handmade pet toys or treats, or signing up for our annual week-long Furry Friends Kids Summer Camp!

Hiking Program
Get some exercise, enjoy our beautiful valley, and get a shelter dog out of their kennel for a hike! Our new Hiking Program allows volunteers to take select shelter dogs off-site for outdoor adventures when the weather allows.
Hiking is a fantastic opportunity for enrichment for shelter dogs! New smells, sights, and sounds combined with a physical outlet for energy helps keep our shelter dogs happy and healthy, both physically and mentally, while they await their new homes.
You are highly encouraged to document your day out — not only so we can share on our social media pages and expose the dog to potential adopters, but it provides valuable info for matchmaking!
Volunteers must be level V-2-D and have at least 12 hours of dog handling under their belt before becoming eligible to participate in the program.

Volunteer Application
The application below is to become a volunteer. Click here to apply to complete court-ordered community service hours instead.
Because of high interest in our volunteer program and a temporarily limited ability to onboard new volunteers from November 2024 through January 2025, please be patient with us as wait times for onboarding may be long. You will be notified via email when an in-person volunteer orientation opportunity is available. In the meantime, if you would like to support the pets at Roice-Hurst in other ways, please consider fostering or making a donation! Thank you so much for your interest in spending time with our shelter pets.