Lost a Pet
Discovering a pet is missing is a dreadful feeling, and we sincerely hope your friend makes it back home quickly and safely. Depending on the species of your pet and where they were lost, use the drop-down menus below to learn what your next step should be.
I Lost a DOG in MESA County
Because we are not the animal law enforcement agency in Mesa County, we cannot accept lost dogs into our Grand Junction facility. If your dog has been found and brought to a shelter, they will likely end up at Mesa County Animal Services. You can view found pets at MCAS at pets.mesacounty.us, and you can report your dog as missing at pets.mesacounty.us/lost-found-pets-in-our-community as well as the form below.
Scroll down to see a list of other steps you can take to help find your pet.
I Lost a DOG in DELTA County
Roice-Hurst Humane Society’s Delta Satellite Facility is a holding facility for found dogs in Delta, so if your dog is found and taken to a shelter, they will likely be with us. You can view found dogs on our Delta Satellite Facility page.
If your dog is not with us, please call our Delta facility at 970-874-1078 to report your missing dog. You can also report a lost pet below so the community can look out for them.
Scroll down to see a list of other steps you can take to help find your pet.
I Lost a CAT in MESA County
Cats are legally allowed to freely roam outdoors in Mesa County, which means that we are unable to accept found adult cats. If your cat is brought to us, we will scan for a microchip and if your cat’s microchip registration is up-to-date, you will be notified.
Report your cat as lost on Mesa County Animal Services’ website and on this page below.
Scroll down to see a list of other steps you can take to help find your pet.
I Lost a CAT in DELTA County
We are so sorry that your friend is missing!
Because cats are legally allowed to free roam in Delta, we are unable to accept found adult cats, which means it is unlikely that your cat is at our Delta Satellite Facility. However, you may view our stray pets here.
If your cat is brought to us, we will scan for a microchip and if your cat’s microchip registration is up-to-date, you will be notified.
Please give our Delta facility a call at 970-874-1078 to report your missing cat, and we will notify you if we hear anything about a cat matching that description.
Scroll down to see a list of other steps you can take to help find your pet.

Tips to Find Your Pet

Make a Lost Pet Report
The first place to search is the closest animal shelter. If your pet was lost in Mesa County, contact Mesa County Animal Services. If the pet was lost in Delta County, contact our Delta Satellite Facility.
You can also make a community lost pet report at the bottom of this page.
Search the Area & Alert Neighbors
Typically, lost pets are found not far from home. Complete a thorough search of your neighborhood and knock door-to-door asking your neighbors to keep an eye out. A neighbor may have taken your pet into their home for safety.
Cats, especially if they’re not familiar with the area, will hide in very small spaces. Check under neighbor’s porches, in trees, and in other small and dark spaces with a flashlight, looking for their reflecting eyes. You can borrow a humane cat trap from Roice-Hurst Humane Society if needed.
Contact Your Pet's Microchip Company
Call your pet’s microchip company to ensure that your contact information connected to the microchip is up-to-date. This way, you will be notified if your pet’s microchip is scanned at a vet or shelter.
Post & Search in Online Groups
Utilize your community! Make posts and search in online groups.
Lost & Found Pets Facebook Groups:
Mesa County Lost and Found Pets
Lost And Found Pets of Mesa County & Western Colorado
Delta County Lost and Found Pets
Delta, Montrose, and Surrounding Counties Lost and Found Pets
Petco Love Lost is a fantastic tool that uses pet facial recognition to reunite pets with their families, allowing you to enter a photo of your lost pet and search a national lost and found pet database for a match.
Nextdoor is an app that connects neighborhoods and is a great place to post and search for your pet.
Post Flyers
Cover your neighboorhood and local shops with flyers of your pet, including a full-body photo of your pet, your contact information, the place and date your pet was last seen, and any reward offered. Consider laminating the flyers if possible to protect them from weather.
Contact Animal Shelters & Vet Offices
Make phone calls to local veterinary offices and other animal shelters and pet shops, as someone may have already found your pet and turned them into the nearest animal-related business.
Below is a list of the pets that have been reported found in western Colorado. If your lost pet is listed, please contact the finder directly. This courtesy list is for community use and is not closely monitored by shelter staff, so please reach out to local shelters directly if you have lost or found a pet.
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