April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month

April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month

Having a furry friend is a lot of fun! But there is also a responsibility to plan for their health. In addition to taking your pets’ in for their annual wellness checks, make sure you have a plan for first aid in the event of an emergency. Remember that injured or...
Do your research before you adopt.

Do your research before you adopt.

Do your research before you adopt. Protect yourself and your future pet by adopting from a responsible and transparent shelter. Are pets spayed/neutered before adoption? State law requires all adopted pets be spayed/neutered prior to adoption unless an individual...
Springtime Means Kittens and Puppies Galore!

Springtime Means Kittens and Puppies Galore!

When most of us think of spring, we think warmer weather, blooming flowers, picnicking, and taking off our heavy winter attire. But for those in the animal sheltering world, we know this is one of our busiest times of the year. For us, spring marks the start of kitten...
10 Pet Friendly New Year’s Resolutions

10 Pet Friendly New Year’s Resolutions

January is a popular time to set goals for the upcoming year. Most of us set goals for ourselves, but what about our furry companions? Achieving goals is always easier with a buddy, so grab your fur-ever friend, and set some goals for the next 365 days! Not sure what...
Heatstroke in Pets

Heatstroke in Pets

As we continue to see high temperatures, heatstroke becomes an increasing concern for our furry friends. While humans have lots of sweat glands to help regulate their body temperature, dogs and cats only have a few in their paws and around their noses. Since they...
Fireworks and Pets

Fireworks and Pets

Fireworks can be enjoyable for humans, but a common source of fear, anxiety, and stress for animals. The booming sounds and flashing lights can be terrifying and overwhelming for our pets.On the Fourth of July, many pets become so frightened by the noise and commotion...