Pet Loss Grief Group

The enduring grief that follows the loss of a beloved pet is a heavy burden, regardless of how much time has passed since saying goodbye. If you are mourning the loss of an animal companion, we invite you to join Roice-Hurst Humane Society and Tara L. Skubella, a certified death doula, for a free Pet Loss Grief Group. 

During this session, we will explore the feelings of guilt and blame that surround pet loss and take steps forward to forgiveness.

About The Presenter

Tara L. Skubella is a certified death doula offering spiritual guidance, conscious care, and emotional support through end-of-life transitions and grieving processes. Tara lives in Delta, Colorado, with her partner, two border-heelers, two outdoor farm cats, 20 chickens, four beehives, and various foster dogs from Roice-Hurst Humane Society. Tara hopes her gentle workshops and community care space will support pet parents through end-of-life transitions and heart healing after loss.

Date: Tuesday, September 10

Time: 5-6:15pm

Location: Perdita’s Coffee in Ariel Clinical Services
2938 North Ave Ste D, Grand Junction, CO 81504