Introducing Cats to Cats

Introducing Cats to Cats

INTRODUCING CATS TO CATS Some people say cats are like potato chips – you can’t have just one! When bringing a new cat into your home with a resident cat, the introduction process should be controlled and gradual. If you rush into things and attempt to...
Cat Scratching Preferences

Cat Scratching Preferences

Cats are strong-willed creatures and particularly finicky about a lot of things. If you are a cat guardian, you have undoubtedly asked yourself this question before: why won’t my cat stop scratching my furniture? Maybe you already have a scratching pad or even a kitty...
Training Tips For Your Cat

Training Tips For Your Cat

Training your cat to sit, high-five and other fun activities is possible with these quick tips from Roice-Hurst Humane Society. Learn how to strengthen the bond with your feline friend and provide them mental enrichment through training. For more quick tips subscribe...