Heatstroke in Pets

Heatstroke in Pets

As we continue to see high temperatures, heatstroke becomes an increasing concern for our furry friends. While humans have lots of sweat glands to help regulate their body temperature, dogs and cats only have a few in their paws and around their noses. Since they...
Introducing Cats to Cats

Introducing Cats to Cats

INTRODUCING CATS TO CATS Some people say cats are like potato chips – you can’t have just one! When bringing a new cat into your home with a resident cat, the introduction process should be controlled and gradual. If you rush into things and attempt to...
Cat Scratching Preferences

Cat Scratching Preferences

Cats are strong-willed creatures and particularly finicky about a lot of things. If you are a cat guardian, you have undoubtedly asked yourself this question before: why won’t my cat stop scratching my furniture? Maybe you already have a scratching pad or even a kitty...
Training Tips For Your Cat

Training Tips For Your Cat

Training your cat to sit, high-five and other fun activities is possible with these quick tips from Roice-Hurst Humane Society. Learn how to strengthen the bond with your feline friend and provide them mental enrichment through training. For more quick tips subscribe...