In honor of Volunteer Appreciation Week, we wish to thank all of our volunteers for your time and support. Volunteering is the giving of your time and energy to help those in need without the expectation of something in return. At Roice-Hurst, the animals are our priority, but sometimes our staff needs help as well. Our volunteers help clean, walk dogs, host booths at events or even simply answer the phones. Your dedication and generosity help us to be successful, we could not do it without you. Thank you!

We wish to recognize the nomination of longtime Roice Hurst volunteers, Harry & Chris Segelken for BEACON’s 2017 Volunteer of the Year. Harry and Chris were nominated by Laura Taylor, Event and Volunteer Coordinator at Roice-Hurst. Harry and Chris work tirelessly to support the shelter in many ways. Harry is our volunteer handyman and he and Chris both take amazing pictures of our animals. We can’t thank them enough for all that they do and give to Roice-Hurst.

Harry & Chris with Laura (2)